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The Angela Crowe Page

Grandma's Here On Your Page (a much-younger grandma)

Grandma's Here On Your Page (a much-younger grandma)
So She Can Keep An Eye On You

She Yawned & Well...

She Yawned & Well...
She Stuck Her Tongue Out At Me!


Isn't He A Gorgeous Cat?

Tom Washing Uncle Danny's Head

Tom Washing Uncle Danny's Head
Don't Forget Angela- Tom Is 3 Weeks Older Than You!

Tom Looking Very Small

Tom Looking Very Small
In All That Snow!

Sadie, A Bit Freaked!

Sadie, A Bit Freaked!
Fraidy Lady Sadie

Ashes Listening To Odie

Ashes Listening To Odie
As He Goes On & On & On.....

Holly Napping.....

Holly Napping.....
In The Dryer!

Grandma's New Porch Decor!

Grandma's New Porch Decor!
They Are Cute!

Grandma's Raccoon

Grandma's Raccoon
Realizing Her Fingers Are Attached!

Tallon, Grandma's polydactyl

Tallon, Grandma's polydactyl
The Cat With Thumbs

Holly Snoozing...

Holly Snoozing...
Bandit On The 2nd Level!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Angela Crowe Page!

Hi Angela,

Welcome to your own page! I've added some pictures for you and will try to add new ones as time goes on. I hope you enjoy it.

I want to let you know how much I love you and just how important you are to me. You are not only my first granddaughter but you are also my first grandchild! Just as your mom was my first daughter and my first child.

Although there are periods of time we don't get to see each other, I really want you to know that no matter how far away you are, I think about you daily and hope life is going good for you.

Keep drawing!!! You, my dear, have a natural talent for drawing- keep that skill; never let it fade away. If you keep practicing you'll continue to get better and better and the next thing you'll know someone important is going to see your work and recognize your talent.... And, well, you could end up with a career being an artist. Even if you didn't want to be an artist there are so many things someone with your talent could do! You could be famous!

I love you always,

Grandma Carol

Great Grandma+Great Grandpa With A Strange Look!

Great Grandma+Great Grandpa With A Strange Look!
With Grandma's Head In The Middle

A Rainbow Over The Marysville House

A Rainbow Over The Marysville House
When You Were Just A Baby

Aunt Amber

Aunt Amber
And Jazzy

Your mom @ 8 mos old

Your mom @ 8 mos old
With Her Great-Great Grandma Anne & Anna

Your Mom As A Baby

Your Mom As A Baby
Between 18 - 24 mos Old

Aaron (on top 4 feet of snow)

Aaron (on top 4 feet of snow)
Standing On Top The Snow, March 2008

Auntie Azia + Erika

Auntie Azia + Erika
Great-Grandma in the background

Identical Cousins

Identical Cousins
Well..... Not Quite!

Auntie Amber & Calob

Auntie Amber & Calob
Grins All Around!

The Baring Community Park

The Baring Community Park
Under Lots Of Snow!